The perfect place for a meaningful gift…
There is still time to give the gift of clay this holiday season! Visit our online store to purchase Gift Cards good towards a clay class, open studio time, or a private lesson. If someone you care about is already a studio member, get them one month of membership and some materials credit (email for details if you’d prefer a set dollar amount for any studio service).

Holiday Hours:
T 12/18 12-6pm
W 12/19 12-5pm
R 12/20 closed
F 12/21 11-5pm
Sa 12/22 12-5pm (last glaze kiln unloaded)
12/23-12/28 closed
Sa 12/29 12-5pm
Su 12/30 closed
M 12/31 12-5pm
T 1/1 closed
hours resume as normal thereafter