Drop-In Visits

Open Studio

Kids’ Open Studio & Adult Open Studio
are opportunities for non-members to use the studio on a Drop-In basis.
Open Studio visits are non-instructional. Please join a class or schedule a lesson if instruction is needed.

Additionally, kiln services are available for adults working in home-studios. Drop-In Firing Credit or Kiln Rental. Cone 6 compatibility ONLY. Inquire for details.

***** NO OPEN STUDIO 5/26 *****
—  OPEN STUDIO CLOSING at 4:30PM 2/5/25  —

Kids’ Open Studio
is intended for children ages 4-15 to use the studio to experiment with clay (building, banging, cutting, pinching, rolling, etc…) and work independently without the constraints of a particular goal. No use of pottery wheel without first completing a Child or Teen class or at least 5 lessons. An understanding of and willingness to complete clean-up procedures is required for Open Studio use.

$10 for a 2-hour visit.
Projects in process will be stored for up to 2 weeks.
Clay included, Firing Fees apply for items kept.

+ firing fees
Kids’ Punchcard $55/6 visits valid 1 year
Firing Fees $5-$15 per object depending upon size
Child Lessons $40 1-hour (16 & under)

Tue Noon – 7:00pm
Wed Noon – 7:00pm
Thur 10:00am – 7:00pm
Fri 10:00am – 7:00pm
Sat Noon – 7:00pm

Excluding CLOSED dates above.

Adult Open Studio
is a Drop-In studio experience for participants 16yrs and older who have completed a class or membership at MCP within the past year. Participants are expected to be familiar with all tools and equipment prior to use and to understand and follow clean-up procedures. Multiple visits will likely be required to complete your projects. No clay storage available unless monthly locker rental is purchased.

$25 for a 3-hour visit.
Projects in process will be stored for up to 2 weeks.
Clay and Firing Credit purchase required.

+ clay + firing credit
Adult Punchcard $135/6 visits valid 1 year
Drop-In Firing Credit $40/10# for firing
Adult Lessons $55 75-minutes ($50 per for groups)

M 9:30am – 4:30pm
T 9:30am – 7:00pm
W 9:30am – 7:00pm
Th 9:30am – 7:00pm
F 9:30am – 7:00pm
Sa 9:30am – 7:00pm

Excluding CLOSED dates above.

Pricing Information
Adult Open Studio
Adult Open Studio is an opportunity for adults with prior experience to work independently in the studio. Although these visits are non-instructional, studio staff are available to help everyone get set up and started. 3-hour visit.
Firing Fees
Firing fees are only charged for finished pieces you’d like to keep from your Drop-In visit. These range $5-$15 depending on size/mass. This covers all material costs associated with finishing the item.
Kids Open Studio
Kids’ Open Studio is an opportunity for families to attend on a drop-in basis. Children are encouraged to explore clay without the constraints of a particular goal. Studio staff will help everyone get set up and started. 90-min. visit.
$3010 lbs
Firing Credit
Pre-purchase credit, then ticket items when ready to fire. A one-time cost for bisque firing, glazes, and glaze firing is deducted from your firing credit account.

Drop-In Credit ($40/10#).

$18+25# bag
We have a selection of ^6-10 stoneware, B-clay and porcelain clay available for purchase. Staff are happy to provide guidance to help you select the clay body best for your project.

Pricing start at $18 / 25lbs

Kiln Rental
Have objects to fire from your own studio? Rent space in our kiln. Must be Cone 6 compatible clay. Rates are $30/shelf per firing. Full kiln rental is $125-$175. Max temp. is ^6.
Kids Lesson
One-hour lessons for children are available on a variety of topics. This is a great way to get children started with pottery wheels (recommended for ages 8 and up). Weekly, bi-monthly, or monthly art schedules available!
Adult Lesson
1.25-hour lessons for adults (16+) are available to explore topics and techniques of your choice. This is also a great way to try it out before taking a 6-week class. 6-lesson series are also available!